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當前位置:首頁(yè)   >  產(chǎn)品中心  >  二維材料  >  硒化物晶體  >  ZrSe2 二硒化鋯晶體

ZrSe2 二硒化鋯晶體

簡(jiǎn)要描述:ZrSe2 belongs to group-IV TMDCs family and adopts a stable 2H-hexagonal structure.

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-03
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:971


ZrSe2 belongs to group-IV TMDCs family and adopts a stable 2H-hexagonal structure. ZrSe2 is 0.95 eV indirect gap semiconductor in the bulk form. These ZrSe2 crystals were designed and optimized at our facilities starting 2013 to achieve perfect electronic grade materials with: 1) excellent stoichiometry, 2) large single domain size, 3) single phase materials without any mixed phases or amorphous content, 4) unmatched purity -electronic grade (6N), 99.9999% confirmed purity. Our crystals exhibit sharpest Raman and XRD peaks in the commercial market proving the high quality of our materials.

Properties of ZrSe2 layered crystals

Growth method matters> Flux zone or CVT growth method? Contamination of halides and point defects in layered crystals are well known cause for their reduced electronic mobility, reduced anisotropic response, poor e-h recombination, low-PL emission, and lower optical absorption. Flux zone technique is a halide free technique used for synthesizing truly semiconductor grade vdW crystals. This method distinguishes itself from chemical vapor transport (CVT) technique in the following regard: CVT is a quick (~2 weeks) growth method but exhibits poor crystalline quality and the defect concentration reaches to 1E11 to 1E12 cm-2 range. In contrast, flux method takes long (~3 months) growth time, but ensures slow crystallization for perfect atomic structuring, and impurity free crystal growth with defect concentration as low as 1E9 - 1E10 cm-2. During check out just state which type of growth process is preferred. Unless otherwise stated, 2Dsemiconductors ships Flux zone crystals as a default choice.



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上海巨納科技有限公司 公司地址:上海市虹口區寶山路778號海倫國際大廈5樓   技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)
  • 聯(lián)系人:袁文軍
  • QQ:494474517
  • 公司座機:86-021-56830191
  • 郵箱:yuanwenjun@sunano.com.cn

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