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當前位置:首頁(yè)   >  產(chǎn)品中心  >  二維材料  >  二維材料薄膜  >  基于藍寶石襯底的全區域覆蓋的少層二硒化鉑


簡(jiǎn)要描述:This product contains full area coverage PtSe2 layers (single/multi) on c-cut sapphire substrates.

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-04
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:921


This product contains full area coverage PtSe2 layers (single/multi) on c-cut sapphire substrates. Sample size measures 1cm in size and the entire sample surface contains PtSe2 sheets. Synthesized full area coverage PtSe2 is highly crystalline, some regions also display significant crystalline anisotropy.



Sample Properties.

Sample size

1cm x 1cm square shaped

Substrate type

Sapphire c-cut (0001)


Full coverage (mostly few-layers)

Electrical properties


Crystal structure

Hexagonal Phase

Unit cell parameters

a = b = 0.372 nm, c = 0.508 nm,

α = β = 90°, γ = 120°

Production method

Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD)

Characterization methods

Raman, angle resolved Raman spectroscopy,

photoluminescence, absorption spectroscopy TEM, EDS


1)     Full coverage 100% monolayer PtSe2 uniformly covered across c-cut sapphire

2)     One centimeter in size. Larger sizes up to 2-inch wafer-scale available upon requests.

3)    Atomically smooth surface with roughness < 0.15 nm.

4)     Highly uniform surface morphology. PtSe2 monolayers uniformly cover across the sample.

5)     99.9995% purity as determined by nano-SIMS measurements

6)    Repeatable Raman and photoluminescence response

7)     High crystalline quality, Raman response, and photoluminescence emission comparable to single crystalline monolayer flakes.

8)     c-cut Sapphire but our research and development team can transfer PtSe2 monolayers onto variety of substrates including PET, quartz, and SiO2/Si without significant compromisation of material quality.

9)     PtSe2 monolayers do not contain intentional dopants or defects. However, our technical staff can produce defected PtSe2 using α-bombardment technique.


Supporting datasets [for 100% Full area PtSe2 monolayers on c-cut Sapphire]

Transmission electron images (TEM) acquired from CVD grown full area coverage PtSe2 monolayers on c-cut sapphire confirming high crystallinity

Raman spectroscopy measurement confirm monolayer nature of the CVD grown samples and shows the high crystallinity of the CVD samples. PL spectrum does not show any PL signal due to indirect band nature.



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上海巨納科技有限公司 公司地址:上海市虹口區寶山路778號海倫國際大廈5樓   技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)
  • 聯(lián)系人:袁文軍
  • QQ:494474517
  • 公司座機:86-021-56830191
  • 郵箱:yuanwenjun@sunano.com.cn

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